
Besser Museum to celebrate 50th anniversary of moon landing

Besser Museum for Northeast Michigan is excited to begin sharing plans for the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission and moon landing.

The museum has partnered with Audio Visual Imagineering as well as the Nixon Presidential Library and Museum to present the “Many Inspired Steps” exhibition.

Opening in April, the “Many Inspired Steps” exhibition is constructed of pieces that celebrate the “giant leap” made onto the moon in 1969. With additional funding from the Community Foundation for Northeast Michigan’s Community Impact grant and the Youth Advisory Council grant, the Besser Museum exhibition team has added many educational elements to the exhibition. “Many Inspired Steps” will remain on display at the museum through October.

Besser Museum wants to record and share your experiences involving the Apollo 11 mission. An important aspect of this exhibit is the community connection that it fosters. Many residents of the Alpena area have stories about where they were at the time of this historic event or know of someone who does.

Besser Museum Education Coordinator Amanda Kucharek is collecting stories from area residents who remember where they were or what it was like to watch as history was created during the first successful moon walk. Collected responses will be used as an important interactive part of the upcoming Apollo 11 exhibition.

“Many of our visitors are school-age children who are learning about Apollo 11 for the very first time,” Kucharek said. “The value of your personal insight for their education is immeasurable.”

If you have an interest in participating, or would like more information about the project, contact Kucharek at education@bessermuseum.org.

On Thursday, May 30, the museum will host a free Community Conversation, facilitated by Alpena Community College instructor Tim Kuehnlein from 7 to 8:30 p.m. The event will feature a short informative presentation concerning the historic and political significance behind the Space Race of the 1960s, followed by a time for the audience to contribute memories and stories. Those who previously submitted stories as well as interested members of the public are invited to participate.

Becoming a member at the Besser Museum is a cost-effective way to enjoy free planitarium shows in March, as well as saving on admission to events and exhibits throughout the year. Individual yearly memberships begin at just $25, or $20 for seniors.

Find updates and information about happenings at the museum as they develop by visiting the Besser Museum Facebook page or bessermuseum.org.


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